"If I had to do it all over again, rather than build an old style type of business, I would have started building a network marketing business." …………………. Quote by Robert T. Kiyosaki,
Internationally renowned Business Author and Entrepeneur

Global Possibilities

Global Possibilities

Who are we?

Vortex Networking Group

Vortex Networking Group could be best described as a Virtual Shopping Mall of Home Based Business Ideas , Articles and Opportunities. The site is arranged so that any interested individual can evaluate the concepts of having their own internet based marketing business.

Enjoy all the information we have for you and discover the opportunity that fits you best. We trust that this will be YOUR starting point for a better future. Enjoy!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007



The wealthy people aren't geniuses, they're not "super intelligent", they simply know things that other people don't know ...they know what works! They know how to "tap in" to the incredible markets created by the Baby Boomer Generation. They know that between 1946 and 1964 over 70 million babies were born. Never before, or since then, have so many babies been born in such a short period of time.

Anyone who positions themselves properly, in front of 70 million customers can make a fortune by simply supplying what the customers need. In the 40's and 50's it was baby food and diapers. Think about it ...if you have a baby you have to buy baby food and diapers. What's more is that baby food and diapers are what we call "consumable" products. You use them once, you always run out ...and you always have to buy some more! In business, we call this a TREND.
By the end of the 50's the baby boomers no longer needed diapers – they were becoming teenagers. So instead of 70 million babies, there were 70 million teenagers, and once again ...positioning meant everything. Take deodorant for example. When your children become teenagers they need it. And when they need it everyone's nose - knows it. Is it an option? NO! Will anyone do without it? NO! Does it take a TV commercial to convince you to buy it? NO! 70 million teenagers had to start buying deodorant and using it every single day. In fact all 70 million of them are still using it today. And you guessed it's a consumable product ...when you run out you have to buy some more.

During the 1960's... almost 800 new universities had to be built to accommodate the baby boomers. Then came the real estate boom of the 70's and 80's. Then came the mini-van boom of the 90's ...and now we're in the SUV boom of the 2000's! The trick is simply knowing what's next.

Today over 10,000 baby boomers are turning 50 every single day and there is another huge trend that is developing right now. You see, as people grow older, their needs begin to change. The latest trend has to do with products that the baby boomers need as they grow older ...and yes ...these products are consumable! When they run out they have to buy some more!

There is another huge trend that is upon us today. It is even bigger then the baby boomers and it is still GROWING! Rapidly! That trend is the Hispanic Immigrant expolsion. Today there are more than 60,000,000 hispanics in this country and it is growing at a remarkable rate of more than 6% a year. Is there a way that you could take advantage of this exploding market?

These latest trends are like an enormous avalanche of cash that's heading right in your direction. It's so big's so huge, that anyone who positions themselves properly can do very well financially.
You've got the ATTITUDE ...we've got the KNOWLEDGE there's really only one thing left to talk about ...and that's YOU!

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